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February 10, 2022
The InKY Reading Series is a free author series broadcast live on Zoom. Watch archived readings on the LLA YouTube channel.

Claudia Love Mair is the Coordinator of the Kentucky Black Writers Collaborative. She is a working writer, currently finishing a young adult novel. Claudia is also the author of 11 books, both fiction and nonfiction. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her daughter and three adorable cats.
Claudia Love Mair

Since retiring Yvonne Lovell has actively pursued her long-time interest in writing. She prefers the creative nonfiction genre and writes essays that tackle themes in her Caribbean background. Her recent publication, "Unmooring," is from her working collection of essays about the impact of immigration on her family, and the worry she carries with her. Yvonne serves on the Board of Directors of Louisville Literary Arts, Inc.
Yvonne Lovell

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