All virtual season
December 10

The InKY Reading Series is broadcast live on Zoom & Facebook Live. Save your spot by registering on Zoom.
Can't make the reading? Watch later on YouTube!

Nancy McCabe directs the writing program at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford and teaches in the low residency MFA program at the Spalding University School of Creative and Professional Writing. Her work has received a Pushcart and been recognized eight times on Best American Notable Lists. She is the author of Can This Marriage Be Saved and four previous books of nonfiction and a novel. She lives in Bradford, PA.

Benjamin Garcia’s first collection, Thrown in the Throat (Milkweed Editions, August 2020), was selected by Kazim Ali for the 2019 National Poetry Series. He works as a sexual health and harm reduction educator throughout the Finger Lakes region of New York. His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in: AGNI, American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Lithub, and New England Review. Find him at

Michael Baumann is an assistant professor of communication and speech and debate coach at Marian University in Indianapolis, a city where he's headlined at more than 20 performance poetry venues and taught workshops to poets of every age. Other than saying it to people, he's never published a poem, which is his 2020 aim. Michael is also very gifted at piano.