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Aimée Lehmann is a fiction writer based between Ithaca, NY and Berlin, Germany. Her stories have appeared in Referential Magazine and The Broadkill Review. Before writing full time, Aimée was an English teacher and relief worker and has lived in East Africa, Germany, Australia and Brazil. Visit her website at:

Thank you to our grand prize judge, Garth Greenwell, and to our volunteer team of preliminary judges!

Aimée Lehmann's story, "The Things We Leave Behind," has been published in the Fall issue of The Louisville Review. 

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Aimée Lehmann reading her winning story at the 2019 Writer's Block Festival

Past Writer's Block Prize Winners

2018 Writer's Block Prize in Poetry

Carolyn Oliver, "Nine Minutes in June"

Maggie Smith, judge

2017 Writer's Block Prize in Creative NonFiction

Lina Chern, "Get Over Yourself"

Roy Hoffman, judge

2016 Writer's Block Festival Prize in Poetry

Caylin Capra-Thomas, “I Don’t Know What People Should Do”  

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